Flea Control

Fleas are a significant problem in Sydney, particularly in spring, summer and autumn. Due to the life cycle of the common flea, pets need to be treated year round to prevent infestation.

The adult fleas you see on your pet represent only 10% of the entire flea population in your environment. The remaining 90% of the population exist as flea eggs, larvae and pupae which you are unlikely to see. Fleas breed very rapidly in summer, completing the life cycle in less than 21 days; therefore a small number of fleas can become many thousands very quickly. Flea pupae can survive for up to a year in your home environment and are very difficult to kill.

Fleas breed all year round in Sydney but prefer heat, humidity and vibration. This explains the sudden “hatching” of fleas as the weather starts to warm up.

How do I know if my pet has a flea problem?

  • Your pet will start to scratch themselves often

  • You may see the adult fleas or flea dirt on your pet

How do I control fleas?

  • All pets in the home must be treated.
  • Common treatments can be given orally or topically, with the monthly or quarterly chews being the most popular. It is best not to wait until fleas are seen on your pet before commencing treatment.
  • A combination of treating your pet and treating your home environment (with a “flea bomb” or similar) produces the best results.
  • Vacuum carpets and rugs regularly
  • Clean your pets bedding in HOT water
  • Clean the car regularly if the dog travels in the car
  • Do not apply flea control products to your pet’s skin 48 hours before or after bathing

Which Flea Control Products should I use?

There are numerous products available which are both safe and very effective at controlling fleas. Please check that the product you use on your cat or dog is safe and registered for this species. In particular, do not apply dog products to your cat as this may harm the cat.

What happens if fleas are left untreated?

Your pet will itch most of the time which can lead to severe skin infections from scratching and biting to try and combat the itching. Those pets susceptible to allergies will often get Flea allergy dermatitis (FAD). Heavy flea burdens can cause anaemia and severe illness. Your home and furnishings will also become infested with fleas and you may also be bitten.