Dental Disease

Dental disease is a very common problem experienced in a veterinary practice. This has many causes, including diet, but the different mouth shapes of dogs and cats also plays a significant role. Our vets and nurses can discuss preventative dental programs for your pet.

Diagnosing & Treating Dental Disease

Dental pain and disease is frequently not noticed at home and is often only diagnosed when your pet is examined at their annual health check. Due to the complexity of dental procedures in veterinary patients, your pet will require a general anaesthetic in order to us to see the full extent of their dental problems. Once the calculus has been cleaned away and any gingivitis treated, it will become clear whether we need to perform extractions and how many. Dogs and cats require extractions much more frequently than humans, as our pets have much deeper root canals where bacteria can thrive and consequently cause damage. Luckily, in most cases, extractions help rather than hinder your pet’s health as dogs and cats have many more teeth than us. Dogs have 42 and cats 30.

In most cases, you will be surprised at how much your pet’s general health will improve after a visit to the vet for a clean and polish!